More Information
Who is this ministry for?
All college-aged students.
What is the purpose and/or goal for this ministry?
WBC College exists to prepare young adults to become leaders and faithful members of the local church through discipleship, accountability, intergenerational relationships, and facilitating opportunities to gain experience serving in the church body.
When and where does this ministry meet?
Small Groups - Sunday 11-11:45 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall
Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies - Sunday Evening 6 pm
Missional Community Groups - Various times and locations
What should someone expect to experience if they came to this ministry?
Small Groups – Our small groups are centered around intentional church communities. We begin by having a short time of fellowship, followed by a discussion of the day’s sermon. We finish our time together by separating by gender for a time of prayer requests and intentional accountability of spiritual disciplines (prayer, reading, scripture memory, discipleship, and evangelism).
Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies – Our Bible studies are located at host homes (day and time TBD). During this time, the leaders will teach through a book of the Bible and facilitate conversation that encourages learning from each other. We encourage attendees to bring others, even if they attend a different church, with the hope of promoting local church cooperation.