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Welcome to Wallace Baptist Church

A family of faith committed to Christ and to one another

Vision & Values


To see people in the Shawnee area transformed by the gospel of Christ and mobilized all over the world for the work of the Kingdom.


To multiply our family of faith by making disciples who are committed to Christ and one another.


  • Seeking Truth from the Word, not the World

The Word of God is our sufficient guide for all that we teach and all that we do as a church family. We want to be a church that whole-heartedly trusts the bible to lead us. 

  • Loving Them to Lead Them

Jesus loved people by meeting their physical needs and then showed them their spiritual need. We want to be a church that cares for people physically to lead them spiritually.

  • Passing on a Legacy of Faith to the Next Generation 

The good news of Jesus and the role of His Church are too important to let die with us. We want to be a church that intentionally equips our children, students, and families to take the lead.

  • Sending Capacity not Seating Capacity 

More bodies in seats is not the goal. More people transformed by the gospel and mobilized for Kingdom work, is. We want to be a church where growth is gauged by global impact, not gathering attendance.

  • Fostering a Space of Healing for the Hurting 

Communion with God brings healing for the hurting. Community with God’s people should do the same. We want to be a church that is a safe haven for everyone, no matter their story.

  • Saying “Yes” to God’s “Go” 

The Lord is completely trustworthy and infinitely wise and we are not. We want to be a church that is quick to say “Yes” to God’s call, even when it doesn’t add up to us.




805 W Ayre St. 

Shawnee, OK 74801

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Our Mission:

To multiply our family of faith by making disciples who are committed to Christ and one another.

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